Home/News/TFC Brexit Statement
TFC Ltd News | TFC Brexit Statement

From Morgan Burgoyne TFC CEO

TFC’s aim is to provide stability and confidence in uncertain times

Since Brexit was first announced TFC has been pro-actively working on a strategy that continues to support our customers. This included the creation of a cross-functional team tasked with forming a robust set of strategies to prepare for the Brexit transition. Collation and dissemination of available data and information has been at the forefront of the process to help identify areas of risk for TFC and our loyal customer base.

When the transition period ends on 31st December 2020, there will be a guaranteed set of changes and opportunities for which businesses need to prepare as the UK leaves the customs union and single market.

Manufacturers have been given government guidance to take action now to prepare for the end of the Brexit transition period and for businesses to familiarise themselves with the actions they will need to take, by visiting gov.uk/transition and using the checker tool.

Like other committed companies within the extended supply chain, TFC have identified the key area of supply continuity in the face of cross-border customs delays.

Despite the challenges presented by the ongoing COVID pandemic, TFC has maintained a focus on the Brexit timetable and continued to work to mitigate supply risks by ensuring the availability of contingency stocks. We have been carefully monitoring and managing our cross border purchases and proactively working to ensure sufficient stock availability of any products deemed to be at potential risk. Once again we have also been pro-actively working with key customers to ensure sufficient stocks of ‘specials’ are in place.

TFC are committed to all current and new customers alike. Through our network of logistic sites (7 in the UK, 2 in Germany, and 1 in the Czech Republic) we have storage capacity and supply chain solutions to continue to support our customers and to cover any eventuality.

Only by working together can we be in a position to provide stability in uncertain times. Should you have any concerns and wish to discuss what options we have to suit your business, please contact your local TFC Team listed here:

United Kingdom

TFC Ltd – Head Office (Heathfield) Sally Crouch sales@tfc.eu.com +44 (0) 1435 866011
TFC Colchester Nina Burton colchester@tfc.eu.com +44 (0) 1206 210082
TFC Keighley Daniel Whelan keighley@tfc.eu.com +44 (0) 1535 665414
TFC Walsall Adrian Steele walsall@tfc.eu.com +44 (0) 1922 749940
TFC Airdrie George Lawrie airdrie@tfc.eu.com +44 (0) 1236 751815
TFC Basingstoke Debbie Cato basingstoke@tfc.eu.com +44 (0) 1256 224200
TFC Portadown Sally Crouch sales@tfc.eu.com +44 (0) 1435 866011


TFC Bochum Technical Centre Johannes Lambertz BOCHteam@tfc.eu.com +49 (0) 234 92361 0
TFC Gottmadingen Svend Koch Gottmadingen@tfc.eu.com +49 (0) 7731 676 50

Czech Republic

TFC Hranice Svatopluk Kuban hranice@tfc.eu.com +420 581 602 721

Yours Sincerely,

Morgan Burgoyne

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